Category: Family Tours in Jerusalem

Christianity in Jerusalem for children

Christianity is everywhere – films, television, songs, and everyday life.  It is hard to grow up in the modern world without knowing this religion.  Certainly, the best place to learn about the Christian religion is the Old City of Jerusalem. 

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A History Tour for Children

Adults are not the only ones that find Jerusalem’s history confusing.  Many kids can definitely get lost in the great maze that goes through the city’s streets beginning with King David, through Herod and Jesus and up to the Wall

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How old is the Old city?

How old is the Old City?  There are even some adults who don’t know the answer.  And which is older, the white dome of the Hurba synagogue, the black dome of Dormition Abbey or the golden Dome of the Rock? 

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Looking for King David

They say that David the king of Israel is alive and well.  If it is all true then where is he hiding and why has no one seen him lately?  It is time to go tour Jerusalem and search for

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Hanukah Tour for Children

    Why do we light Hanukah candles?  How do we build a Menorah?  And what is so special about Jerusalem in Hanukah? Here is a tour that is designed especially for children that love to ask questions and really

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Poor Walter is Looking for water – A children tour to Ein Karem

On the top of a mountain not far away from the sky a weird thing happened. Dear young Walter had a jug of water but O poor Walter, the water is now over. What will the fate of Jerusalem be?

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The Road to a Newborn State

Once upon a time, when Jerusalem was tiny still, there was a neighborhood in it who wanted to found a state. It had a gymnasium, institutions and offices and the residents thought: This is where we build the Jewish state.

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Tours in Jerusalem with Yishay Shavit